Time flies when your having fun! Well that sure was the case in April. I know, April is still full on (and I'll be posting heaps of pictures on instagram, so you'll know what I'm upto.) Back to the last few weeks. Wow what a months! I went to my first blogger event, hosted by a CreamPR, it was my birthday, we had sun, and I was running alot.
The USB card we got at CreamPR / Another run done! / I got this fashionology ring from the sweet Cindy from COTTDS. / The men and I went to a concert at 013.
More working-out: Spinning / I worked in our garden. It still looks kinds winter in this pic / The sun has returned / Some new decorations for our house
More running! Finally lapped the 13 km for the first time, in this 3rd week of April. / New pillow, looks like cute little Zipp, the dog of my in-laws. / Mini me! Running around in New Zealand / It was my 29th B-day!
The last week of April I started with a run / On Tuesday the man and I went for a long walk after dinner, love spring in the city! / Look at this sky! We were enjoying our dinner on our rooftop terrace! / Oops, new Nike Running shoes for the man and me!
In this last weekend of April some great things are planned; also Queensday (for the Dutchies) is upcoming in these last days. Make sure you follow me on Instagram to stay up-to-date! (@Amysfashionscrapbook)
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!
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