So, I haven't been blogging much, so what was I doing? I was in Berlin baby! Hip & Happening Berlin.
Every year the man and I take a little trip in the second week in March to cellebrate our anniversay. Well technically our anniversary is tomorrow: 9 years together! Can't imagine life without him; can't even remember my life before Matt. Well enough on the sloppy details. Berlin!
I love this city. I did have to get used to it; it is so cold, icey snow everywhere, and most of the buildings are just concrete boxes. But the fashion, creative vibe, streetstyle, artwork are Hip & Happening.
So what are you looking at?
- The bearth taking Hollocast memorial; it's flabbergasting
- From where I stand; both wearing Adidas kicks
- The Branderbuger Tor; another breath taking site, it's so big!
- Street art at RAW (make sure you check out RAW in , guessing it'll be a vibrante creative mess in summer)

- Nike Town purchases! Yeah, Nike Town is HUGE! I had a field day! All the limited edition tights, tops and shorts (that are not available, or sold out in 10 minutes in the Netherlands) were on sale! Yeah ON SALE! I tried on half the store. I'll show you what I bought later on this week.
- Chai Latte; yep I drank a lot of them, multiple a day! This is the first city where you can get a Chai Latte in every cafe or snackplace. I'm loving it!
- I have always been a big big fan of Andy Warhol; so on my last day in Berlin I visited the Hamburger Bahnhof museum . I love contemporary art, so this is the museum for me. I saw a great installation of Martin Honert, which is on display till the 7th of April. If you have the chance go and see it, it's worth it. Above all this massive painting of Mao by Warhol is a must see! It is as big as my house! (and my house is quite big..)
- On my way home.... waiting, waiting, waiting, to finally board the plane.
Some tips:
- All the shops (even MacDonalds!) are closed on a Sunday; I'm not kiddin'. Make sure you plan you shopping spree on another day. The shops in the main shopping area are open till 20h every night (except Sunday that is)
- Berlin is colder then the Netherlands; don't forget that! Beanie's, gloves, snowboots, ski jackets, even ski pants, it's all on the streets. Indoors it's very warm, every shop or bar has the heating on HIGH! So layer up.
- Berlin is BIG! Make sure you get a metro-card to get to all the good places! The Ku'dam is nice, but don't spend more then 2h there, there are much better places to spend your time and money (e.g. friedrichshain)
- Berlin is quite cheap for a European Capital.
- My geuss is that Berlin will be even more vibrant in Summer. So I'm planning to go back there when the temperatures are up :)
Well these are my tips on Berlin for now. Expect to see my shoplog on what I got at Nike town very soon.
You can see more pics of my trip on instagram! (@amysfashionscrapbook)
Or see my post about London from December here!
Have a good week!
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ziet en klinkt er naar dat je het naar je zin hebt gehad! Ik ben 1x in berlijn geweest met school en heb echt alles gezien wat je niet wilt zien. Ik vond het niks aan en heb geen graffiti muur gezien *_* Ik wil echt een keer terug en ZELF alle toffe plekken bezoeken! Want elke keer als iemand over zijn/haar berlijn trip blogt zie ik meer gave plekken!