
The Work-out: The #bikinibattle Challenge


As you might know, I run. And one of my new years resolutions is that I take running more seriously. I am.
Dude, I have been running. I have joined the challenge set by the lovely ladies of Girlslove2run: The #bikinibattle.

Well I'm half-way through April and I have to say, it's not going as well as I though it would go. Usually I'm really dedicated when I have rules to live by, but now not so much. Yeah I do run, I run twice a week. I do at the very least one work-out a week, but I compensate the other work-out by walking on my lunchbreak every day (yeah, at least 30 min. of walking every day). So that's all good. But it's the candy. The candy. 
I didn't realize how much crap I eat a day! Yeah, my breakfast and lunch are super healthy, but then when the clock marks 4PM... and a colleague ask you if you want some winegums... Or last week when I bought chocolate because I just needed chocolate. And in the evening: watching Game of Thrones with my man, drinking a cup of tea, and eating a big iced cookie (for the Dutchies: Roze koeken!!). Yes, I defiantly need more focus in the food department. 

We already established that the frequency of my work-outs and runs are okay. But there is another challenge! I didn't just join this challenge to wear a bikini this summer. Since I haven't booked a holiday, I'm not too concerned about my bikini-body at the moment. So there is another reason: my personal challenge. Just after the end of this month, on the 5th of May to be exact, I'm competing in the 13k of "rondje Tilburg" (for the non-Dutch: The Round of Tilburg, which is my home town). When I entered this competition I could hardly run 3k. In two weeks time I have to run 13k. Last Sunday I finally hit the 13k mark. I did take a little break after 5k, cause I really needed to use the bathroom and drink a glass of water. But after 15min break I was back on track. I added another 0.5k to compensate though.... not sure if that had any effect, but I like to punish myself in that way (yeah, I'm weird!). 
So the plan for this week is to run the full 13k in one go; not sure WHEN I'm going to do that. With my B-day weekend starting on Friday, and lasting all the way up to Sunday evening, I don't know how I'm going to plan that. Since I'm working the whole week, and making arrangements for two party's. Oh well, guessing there are bigger problems in the world. ;) 
So follow me on instagram (@amysfashionscrapbook) to see how my challenge is going. I can tell you one thing: I'm sure I'll be having candy (& beer!) during the week this week. 'Cause what's a party without cake? It's just a frikin' meeting! 

Ps: I forgot all about the water drinking part! Well save that for next time :)

Follow me:
instagram: @amysfashionscrapbook

Photo's: by Nike & Girlslove2run


  1. Goed bezig! Ik doe ook mee, laat die zomer maar komen ;)! Succes!!!

    X Laura


  2. Goed bezig ;) niet snoepen is altijd lastig t is altijd overal te vinde . moeilijk om van af te blijven ;) maar je kan het wel xo anouk www.rockthiscocostyle.com

  3. Thanks voor je leuke reactie! Jaaa ik heb wel allstars bij me zodat ik nog kan kijken wat ik doe.. maar ik twijfel toch, met uitgaan ben ik ook iedere keer weer blij dat ik hakken aan heb omdat ik zo klein ben:P Toch thanks voor de tip! xx
    Discover my Stylish Confessions♥

  4. You are the inspiration, Amy! I always admire people who *run* cause I suck big time at it. I tried running a thousand times and failed. I do better with skating, but it cannot be done after rain - bad for the wheels, dangerous for the ass (if you slip and fall).
    So, thumbs up for your challenge (it sounds pretty difficult but still fun!) and I think you already done great till now:)

    Speaking of your birthday - when is it exactly? So I can say "Happy Birthday" on time:)


  5. Good on ya girl, not sure I could ban junk food for a whole 5 days though! I've just gotten back into my running as well, but I'm nowhere near your league yet - 6km is enough for me! :-)

    Vanessa x


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